It feels better when someone who you really interested most noticed you, right? Of course yeah, well just now @AbrahamMateoMus (his acc on twitter) Retweet one of my tweets that i mentioned to him. And also he favorited 4 tweets of mine. wohoo, even you guys still doesn't know him i'll keep happy for that. well here some photo of that.
Here again i post about Abraham Mateo. In this seassion he sang duet with Caroline Costa (One of kid who has wonderful voice). the song that they've sing is Without You, this song is familliar with Mariah Carey's song "Without You" but this is a spanish version of her song. Ok here is the video.
So? what do you guys think ? isn't they're has wonderful voice? i know right, even i didn't understand about the language of this spanish song, but i keep listen and watch this video all over again. i felt better after listen this song. don't you guys feel the same?
I probably has falling love with his voice. Because i keep listen to this song for a thousand times seriously. For kid like him, i think his voice is OUTSTANDING. here i give you the video of his cover song.
after listened to video above, what do you think about his voice? isn't that wonderful for kid ? Abraham Mateo is a spanish teen actor and pop singer. he was born in San Fernando, Chadiz, Spain on August 25 1998. If you listen his music over and over again, i surely you will just falling love to his voice like did. Even his english is still not well (probably me too) you will forget all that things because of his voice, you just like open your mouth and say "god damn, how wonderful his voice is".